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This EPS cannot be imported error

Discussion started on TypeTool

Hi, I am trialling TypeTool DEMO attempting to create a glyph. I opened up a Glyph window and used the Import>EPS dialogue, the EPS imported but it was inverted.

I opened the EPS file (in Illustrator on MacOS) and inverted it to ensure it would be RWU when re-imported.

This time the EPS wouldn't import, error message appeared. I created a new simple, test EPS and that wouldn't import either - is this a feature of the limited DEMO install or a problem with the app?

I see there are similar questions on this forum but they're unanswered.

TypeTool looks a good product but I can't risk buying it if the first job I attempt won't work, hopefully the support is good?

Thanks in advance for any help.
#1 - 2015-02-16, 09:27


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