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TransType 4 Update for Mac OS X and Windows (US$97, upgrades US$39)

Discussion started on TransType

Support+Docs, FontLab
Introducing updated release of TransType 4 (v 4.0.1) for Mac OS X and Windows

Trial mode
If you hadn’t installed TransType 4 before, you can download it and use it in trial mode for 7 days (without any functional limits). After the trial period has expired, you need to purchase a license.

Download TransType 4 for Mac OS X and Windows

<a href="http://www.fontlab.us/downloads/installers/TR4MacFull.dmg">> Download TransType 4 for Mac OS X</a>
Version 4.0.1 build 5099 for Mac OS X 10.6.8 and newer, compatible with Mac OS X 10.9. The user’s manual (PDF) is included.

<a href="http://www.fontlab.us/downloads/installers/TR4WinFull.exe">> Download TransType 4 for Windows</a>
Version 4.0.1 build 5095 for Windows XP and newer, compatible with Windows 8.1. The user’s manual (PDF) is included.

<a href="http://store.fontlab.com/index.php?option=com_mijoshop&view=category&path=40&Itemid=232">> Buy TransType 4 (US$ 97, upgrade US$ 39)</a>

New cross-platform license
TransType 4 has a new license: the standard license is for a single user and allows you to install the software on a maximum of three devices (computers). The same license and serial number works in both the Mac OS X and the Windows version of TransType 4 — i.e. as a single user, you can purchase TransType 4 once, and with your serial number you can install the app on, for example, one Mac computer and one Windows computer (no more than three devices in total).

Prices: US$ 97, upgrade US$ 39
The full cross-platform single-user license of TransType 4 costs US$ 97. Upgrades from any previous version of TransType, TransType SE or TransType Pro cost US$ 39.

If you discover any problems, please report them via <a href="http://store.fontlab.com/index.php?option=com_fss&view=main&Itemid=220"> support page </a>.
#1 - 2013-12-25, 08:21
« Last Edit: 2021-11-03, 05:51 by Adam Twardoch (FontLab) »
Although we do try to track bug reports in the forums,
a much more reliable route is to use our bug report
form at <a href="https://support.fontlab.com">support.fontlab.com</a>


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