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Good Tutorial

Discussion started on TypeTool

I am new to this. Please recommend a good tutorial for TypeTool, preferably in the style of Adobe tutorials, that is complete, starts from zero and goes to creating a font. I have watched the few video tutorials out there, but they don't do the job for me.


#1 - 2013-09-16, 08:54

Support+Docs, FontLab
Look for Leslie Cabarga's book "Learn Fontlab Fast" on the web. It is for Fontlab Studio but can also be helpful to TypeTool users.
#2 - 2013-12-17, 02:12
Although we do try to track bug reports in the forums,
a much more reliable route is to use our bug report
form at <a href="https://support.fontlab.com">support.fontlab.com</a>


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