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Size error on imported MS-DOS terminal fonts?

Discussion started on BitFonter

Is this a bug in BitFonter, or am I simply misinterpreting something it is doing correctly?

Windows includes bitmapped "terminal" fonts that it uses for displaying text in DOS and CMD windows

These fonts are Windows .fon sets that typically contain four or five different sizes. Here is an example:


When I open this in BitFonter, it tells me that it contains seven fonts, named 5 Pixels, 12, 20, 55, 120, 160, and 187 pixels. It interprets the "187 pixel" font as being 140 points in size (in the Font Point and Pixel Size dialog). This is obviously wrong; the correct size seems to be 18 points. The other sizes are also wrong in various ways. I don't see a pattern.

Is there a simple formula for correcting these point sizes? And is this, in fact a bug?

Thanks for any help.
#1 - 2010-01-04, 05:26
« Last Edit: 2010-01-04, 05:51 by emendelson »

Support+Docs, FontLab
This seems to be the bug in BitFonter's interpreter since fonts work properly.
#2 - 2010-01-11, 04:37
Although we do try to track bug reports in the forums,
a much more reliable route is to use our bug report
form at <a href="https://support.fontlab.com">support.fontlab.com</a>

Yes, that is what I experienced too. Thank you for confirming this!
#3 - 2010-01-11, 05:57


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